Why Avocado Leaves Drooping and How to Fix It: Guide 2024 (2024)

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An evergreen tree of the Lauraceae family that bears an avocado-rich fruit scientifically known as Persea americana. The avocado tree has huge, dome-shaped leaves that are arranged in a spiral on the tops of its branches.

Leaf color changes from red to green when becomes mature. The trees produce clusters of small, green-yellow flowers at the ends of twigs, and huge, juicy, pear-shaped fruits with a single enormous seed. Depending on the variety, the fruit’s color can range from purple to green and its skin texture can be smooth or warty. A buttery yellow-green color and texture characterize the fruit’s flesh.

The avocado is frequently eaten fresh as a fruit or as an ingredient in salads or savory recipes. It has a significantly greater fat content than other fruits and is a staple in diets that have limited access to foods high in monounsaturated fats. When it comes to desserts and dessert beverages, avocados are a common ingredient in Asian cuisine.

Tropical plants like avocados, with their lush green foliage and huge, round fruits, are most commonly found in home gardens outdoors and indoors. These trees can grow up to 6 feet, but they can be maintained smaller within a home by pruning their growth tips. However, gardeners face some problems when growing Avocados in their gardens. One of them is drooping avocado leaves. By reading this guide, you will be able to know, Why Are My Avocado Leaves Drooping.

Why Avocado Leaves Drooping and How to Fix It: Guide 2024 (1)

Let’s start,

What causes drooping avocado leaves?

It is important to precisely identify the root cause of drooping avocado leaves. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to drooping avocado leaves. Then you’ll be able to properly care for your plant. There are 12 reasons mentioned that cause droop the avocado leaves. In addition, you’ll know how to fix them one by one.

1. Incorrect Temperature

Avocado prefers temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit in humid conditions. But when sudden changing the temperature, your plant leaves can droop.

How to fix it?

Before the temperature drops below 50 degrees outside and the air in your home becomes dry as a result of central heating, bring your tree within for the winter.

2. Root Rot

If an avocado plant is overwatered, it might develop root rot if the plant is not properly cared for. Phytophthora is the fungus that causes avocado root rot.

An insufficient amount of water and minerals cannot be absorbed by such roots.

Avocado leaves droop because of a nutrient deficiency caused by a lack of water absorption.

How to fix it?

Remove the avocado tree from its pot and cut off all of the infected branches. Avocado trees should plant in pots that have been cleaned or in a new container altogether. It is also necessary to change the potting soils.

The root ball of your Avocado tree should wash with a hose if it is planted in your garden soil. Also, remove all of the diseased roots using pruning shears. Your tree’s droopy leaves will regain their vigor once the root rot has been removed.

3. Frost Damage

Frost damage is also a regular hazard in the winter months. In extreme cases of frost, leaves will begin to droop as the cells of the leaves are damaged.

How to fix it?

Plants usually recover with time that’s why it is a natural cause.

4. Lightning Issues

When the leaves of your avocado plant begin to droop, this can be a sign of issue of lightning. Different factors, such as a lack of light or too much light, can have an impact on this.

How does affect the lack of light to droop avocado leaves?

Insufficient sunlight might also cause avocado leaves to droop. A plant’s health is greatly influenced by the amount of sunlight it receives.

Avocado plants, like all other fruit trees, flourish in full sun. Outdoor gardeners aren’t too concerned about low light levels.

How to fix it?

To thrive, an avocado tree needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. In the garden, position it in a spot that receives full sunlight.

Place the avocado tree near a window that gets a lot of sunlight if you’re growing it indoors. For the best results, place it near a south-facing window.

In the event that your home does not have enough sunlight to produce avocados, you can use grow lights.

How does affect excessive light to droop avocado leaves?

When avocado plants are exposed to direct sunlight for an extended amount of time in exceptionally hot weather, they risk sunburn. Young avocados, especially those that haven’t had a chance to acclimate, are particularly vulnerable to sunburn.

Chlorosis is the first sign of damage. After losing their vigor, leaves in this situation will also acquire necrotic areas and eventually fall to the ground.

How to fix it?

You can move the plant to a new location that receives direct sunshine but don’t do so too frequently.

Why Avocado Leaves Drooping and How to Fix It: Guide 2024 (2)

5. Pest or Insect Infestation

It is possible that your avocado leaves will be infested by pests or insects as long as they exist. Quite a few pests are to blame for the leaves drooping.

How to fix it?

You can use water-jet washing to get rid of the first two insects, but it’s more successful if you add insecticidal soap. Drought and other forms of stress should be avoided to reduce the initial spread of illness.

To get rid of the larger infestations, use soap sprays or a hose. The best way to get rid of pests is to use neem oil insecticide.

6. Transplant Shock

Transplant shock occurs when you move an Avocado tree in your garden from one spot to another. It takes time for its roots to adapt to the new environment. When a tree is in transplant shock, its leaves droop.

How to fix it?

After a few days, the plant should be able to adjust to its new habitat and focus on photosynthesis and the growth of its leaves. When removing your avocado plant from its pot, be careful. After transplanting, give the plant some shade to help it adjust to its new environment.

Make sure to give your Avocado plant plenty of water once you’ve moved it. There is less growth when there is not enough water in the plant.

While you’re waiting, try not to shock the plant in any other way. Do not move it around or over-water it, and keep its stress levels low.

7. Diseases

Diseases caused by fungi or bacteria can also be drooping the avocado leaves.

How does Avocado Black Streak affect to droop avocado leaves?

After prolonged periods of environmental or cultural stress, especially in conditions of high salinity and insufficient water, the black streak on avocados occurs. One indicator of this issue is leaf drooping.

How to fix it?

Avocado Black Streak control consists primarily of ensuring that the trees are well-fed and watered. If you’re replanting with avocados, it’s best to fumigate the soil rather than remove problematic trees.

How does Anthracnose affect droop avocado leaves?

Anthracnose disease begins as yellow and brown patches on leaves. Your plant’s leaves will droop as a result.

How to fix it?

Pruning and removing infected leaves from the trees will help improve air circulation.

8. Watering Issues

The frequency with which you water your avocado plant may also be a role in its droopy leaves. There are two ways to cause drooping of the leaves of the plant such as over-watering and under-watering.

How does overwatering affect to droop the avocado leaves?

A common cause of avocado tree leaves drooping is over-watering. As a result of the overabundance of water, the roots have been drowned. Roots are unable to absorb water or oxygen because of a lack of airflow. It’s as if the plant is being choked to death.

Foliage development is slowed or stunted as a result. Gradually, the tree’s root system and trunk decompose, and the leaves become yellow and droop until they fall off.

How to fix it?

Pushing your finger into the soil of the avocado plant pot is an easy way to examine the soil quality of your avocado plant. Soil moisture meters are another option, which may be used to ensure that you only water your plant when it indicates that it is critically dry.

It’s likely that the plant is getting too much water if the soil feels wet. You’ll need to let it dry out. Watering your avocado plant as little as once every 7 to 10 days in the summer and even less in the winter is possible.

You may need to repot if the soil is too wet. In order to avoid root rot, you should relocate your plant to a pot with plenty of drainage holes immediately.

To keep the water away from the roots, choose a pot with numerous drainage holes and fill the bottom of the pot with gravel. If you don’t have gravel, you can also use a few small stones.

You can inspect the roots to make sure they haven’t gone bad. Avocado roots get brown and mushy when they’ve been rotten for a long time. After rinsing them with water, healthy roots should appear white.

To avoid root rot, allow your avocado plant to air dry completely before repotting it and adding fresh soil on top. Do not re-use moist and possibly moldy old soil, as it may contain spores. Once your avocado plant has been re-potted, water it sparingly and give it some time to get used to its new surroundings.

How does underwatering affect to droop the avocado leaves?

Maintaining a plant’s tone and tension requires water in its leaves. Avocado trees’ droopy leaves are caused by this. To keep it from drowning, give it a weekly watering at the very least.

How to fix it?

Overwatering a plant is more difficult to fix than underwatering it. To restore it to its original form, it only takes a few hours or even a full day of work.

Push your finger into the soil and feel for wetness to at least 2 inches deep. Your plant may be in need of a drink if the soil seems dry. Make sure the drainage is adequate and then give it some water.

Salt buildups in the soil can have a negative impact on your avocado’s health if irrigated frequently, even in little amounts.

A good rule of thumb for watering is that you should do it as much as possible until you see water dripping from the bottom of the pot. Use rainfall or mineral water to hydrate yourself.

9. Aging

The leaves of your avocado plants will begin to change as they get older. Their life cycle naturally produces this type of event.

As the plant ages or enters dormancy, a few of these symptoms are unavoidable. Your plant is drooping its old leaves to encourage new growth.

How to fix it?

This is nothing more than a normal occurrence. This is due to the fact that your plant will get happier and healthier as new leaves emerge.

10. Oak Root Fungus

The fungus primarily targets the avocado plant’s roots. The fungus may not begin to show symptoms until it has established itself in the plant’s roots.

As soon as symptoms develop, saving the tree becomes extremely difficult, and the illness can spread to the roots of neighboring trees as well. This fungus causes the leaves to droop before they should.

How to fix it?

Because there is no cure for this illness, you must keep an eye out for infected plants and remove them on a regular basis.

It’s also necessary to get rid of any trees that are close to the afflicted ones. This is a critical step in preventing the soil-borne virus from infecting surrounding healthy plants and therefore limiting the disease’s spread.

Clean the tools you used to get rid of the infected plants. You should think about planting a different kind of crop on the land that has been damaged. If you do decide to replant them, make sure to fumigate them first. In between irrigations, let the soil completely dry out.

11. Small Sized Pots

Another possible answer to your question about avocado tree leaves dropping is to use a small pot.

In a small pot, avocados may begin to drop their leaves since they are root-bound and don’t have enough room to grow. The rootball of this tree should be twice as large as the pot in which it is being put. Otherwise, the roots will not have enough room to grow. The drooping of the leaves is caused by a lack of water absorption from the shallow roots.

Fortunately, avocado trees in the garden don’t have this issue. Their roots can spread as far and as deep as they choose to.

How to fix it?

Repotting your plant may be necessary if your pot is too small. Squeeze the container to examine if the roots are pressing against the sides.

To dislodge the root ball, apply pressure to the pot. Cut off the pot if it’s stuck or overgrown. The roots of your avocado are rootbound if they are compact, knotted, and filling the entire pot. It’s possible that you’ll have to switch out the pot several times as your avocado grows.

The new pot should be at least 2 or 3 inches larger than the old one, and it should be airy and have adequate drainage.

You may notice that your avocado is drooping more as it tries to establish roots in the new soil. In the meantime, keep the temperature moderate and provide plenty of bright, indirect sunlight to help it recover fast.

12. Improper care

Your avocado plant’s leaves will droop if you don’t give it appropriate attention.

How to fix it?

When avocado leaves begin to drop, take extra care of your plant. Always keep an eye on your plants.

How should you care for Avocado plants?

Avocado Trees have the advantage of being able to be grown either in a pot or in the ground. When planting an avocado tree in a pot, make sure that the area where you set it receives at least six 6 hours of sunlight, and preferably direct afternoon sun.

It’s best to plant in a sunny, well-drained spot on the south side of your house. You can add sand or other suitable material to the soil to help it retain moisture. It is better to add mulching.

Water your plants frequently, but don’t overdo it. Don’t overwater the plant, but don’t let it dry out. The soil should be well-drained as with most plants.

Fertilizer can cause damage to trees’ roots in their first year, so don’t use it.

Pruning your tree is only necessary for the winter or early spring to remove dead branches. Trim your tree care by maintaining the trees’ tallest, projecting branch off if you wish to keep it at a specific height.

Can droopy avocado plant leaves recover?

It is better to follow the above mentions caring tips and solutions. Healthy leaves on the plant are the product of good maintenance. Keep an eye on your plants and give them what they need when they need it to ensure that they are getting the nutrients they require.

5 Best Avocado varieties to grow

Why Avocado Leaves Drooping and How to Fix It: Guide 2024 (3)

Here are the 5 best avocado varieties that can grow in your garden. Grow them and enjoy the freshness of the fruit.

1. Reed

Reed is one of the largest and most well-known avocado kinds in existence. The softball-sized fruit can easily weigh over a pound because of its round shape. The flavor is a pale golden-yellow and the skin is thick and somewhat pebbled.

“Reed,” because of its narrow growth habit, does not require pruning unless you choose to limit its size. During the hottest months of the year, trees require regular irrigation in order to thrive. Feed trees with a balanced fertilizer 4 times every year once they’ve been in the ground for at least one full year.

2. Hass

An area that is well-drained, wind-sheltered, and in full sun is ideal for “Hass.” It can’t stand being in the cold. The tree should be planted 23 to 30 feet from the southern side of the house if the location is prone to frost damage. The tall plants are possible with frequent pruning.

3. Wurtz

The Wurtz tree has a dense canopy and is more susceptible to insects like Monolepta and red mite since it is smaller than other types. Varieties of this kind are available from the middle of the growing season to the very end.

The Wurtz avocado tree is renowned for its dark-green fruit. It will give your home an abundance of fresh avocados while complementing the environment.

4. Lamb Hass

There are some differences between Lamb Hass and Hass fruit. Trees that are productive, upright, and compact produce these fruits, which mature later in the season than their Hass relative.

The flat, squared shoulders set them apart from Hass avocados, which have a pear or oval form. Underripe, the pebbly skin is a dark green, but as it ripens, it will deepen to nearly black color. There is a medium-sized seed in the pale green flesh of Lamb Hass avocados after the skin is peeled off.

5. Shepard

Long, pear-shaped avocados known as Shepard Avocados have smooth, glossy, light green skin.

With a nutty flavor and creamy, smooth texture, they don’t turn brown when cut. Unlike other varieties of avocado, the Shepard can survive colder climates better than most.

Avocado trees may be grown in a wide range of soil types and climates, but they require good drainage because they don’t like to be wet. The Shepard variety has a pear shape and smooth skin.

Watch how to repot an avocado tree in a big container | Video

Top 5 FAQS & answers related to Why are my avocado leaves drooping

Does avocado grow indoors well?

Avocados can grow at home and the most successful method is to use a healthy grafted dwarf tree. A suitable rootstock is used to grow avocados. But the tree will be lovely and fruitful if it’s grown from seed. Rinse off the pulp after removing the pit from a ripe avocado.

Can eggshells use to grow avocado?

When planting young seedlings, eggshells can be used as planters instead of pots. Evergreens, azaleas, roses, camellias, avocados, and other acid-loving plants, like those mentioned above, benefit greatly from their application.

What is the reason for fruit drooping?

Fruit drops can be caused by the environment or parasites. Late frosts, intense heat or cold, and fluctuations in humidity are all factors that can cause fruit drop. Insufficient irrigation and hunger might cause symptoms that are soil-related.

How often should I water the avocado tree?

2 or 3 times each week is a good rule of thumb when it comes to watering trees. After a year, watering can be reduced to once a week, and more water can be provided to the roots. When watering the tree, make sure to thoroughly soak the soil before allowing it to dry out.

How to feed the avocado plant?

Avocados mostly require nitrogen and a small amount of zinc in order to thrive. Or, you may choose a more organic approach and utilize a variety of other fertilizers to boost the health of your avocados.


By reading this guide, I hope you got the full idea ofWhy Avocado Leaves Drooping and How to Fix It: Guide.

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Until you can read,How to Keep Gravel in Place on Driveways: 12 Ways Guide

Why Avocado Leaves Drooping and How to Fix It: Guide 2024 (2024)
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